Id ego superego tv tropes
Id ego superego tv tropes

id ego superego tv tropes

Superego: Willow - sensible, calmer under pressure, intelligent.Id: (definitely) Warren - overpoweringly dominant and evil.Ego: Andrew - easily susceptible to whatever the others demand.Superego: Jonathan - generally good and unrelenting.Cory and Topanga sometimes trade places.Ego: Jamie, the Harvard-educated beat cop who gets caught in the middle of Danny and Erin's arguments.Superego: Erin, the lawyer who always insists on following procedure.Blue Bloods: The surviving Reagan siblings.Jenna: Maybe some dreams are worth having. Wake up, Blake! You may not be tranquillised any longer, but you're still dreaming.


Exemplified by this quote:īlake: No, not until free men can think and speak! Not until power is back with the honest man.Īvon: Have you ever met an honest man? Listen to me! Wealth is the only reality, and the only way to obtain wealth is to take it away from somebody else. Though Jenna drifted Out of Focus in later episodes, they're still often called the Power Trio. The three strongest personalities aboard Liberator, and her first crew.Ego: Jenna - quite possibly as ruthless as Avon, respects Blake for his ideals but won't follow him off the metaphorical cliff.Superego: Avon - holds self-preservation as the only real value (and wealth the best tool to achieve it).Id: Blake - idealistic, charismatic, and the leading figure of the Rebellion.When the three girls are grouped together, Penny is the Id, Amy is the Ego, Bernadette is the Superego.Ego: Boomer - Tries to balance out the other two.Id: Starbuck - The most emotional and desire driven.Superego: Ivanova on the crew and Delenn on the ambassadors both moral voices and often stick to the rules and bylaws of their respective profession/culture.Ego: Sheridan on the crew and G'Kar on the ambassadors, practical men that are capable of let their feelings behind for taking the right action, not totally emotionless at all, but smart enough to plan in advance (in the case of G'Kar this was more of a character development).Id: Garibaldi on the crew and Londo on the ambassadors both love the good life and often act base on their emotions, love women with passion and have anger issues.Ego: Younger Races - have to chose a middle point between them.Superego: Vorlons - believe in discipline and pure order.

id ego superego tv tropes

  • Id: Shadows - believe in war and chaos for evolving.
  • Id: Charlotte Ritter - Idealistic, spry but talented policewoman-wannabe.
  • Ego: Bruno Wolter - Sleazy, scheming, dirty Noble Bigot with a Badge.
  • Superego: Gereon Rath - Choleric By-the-Book Cop with an assortment of inner demons.
  • Babylon Berlin (which, being a Neo Noir, isn't as clear-cut as other examples):.
  • Id: Cordelia - Insensitive, acquisitive.
  • Superego: Wesley - Intellectual, ineffectual.
  • Angel (in the first couple of seasons):.
  • Id: Paula Abdul - Supporting, finds something good to say 90% of the time.
  • Superego: Simon Cowell - Critical, finds something bad to say 90% of the time.

  • Id ego superego tv tropes